godsjewl's Articles In Blogging
August 19, 2004 by godsjewl
I just started this blog yesterday, although I have to admit I am already addicted! I have been updating my website quite a bit since I graduated in May and thought it just might be easier to join one of these forums - and it really is. My website has been a work in progress over the last six years or so - it's constantly changing as are my interests. I'm just glad someone is out there reading Thanks Gideon! Link
August 20, 2004 by godsjewl
Why must I suck so badly, I just had a phone interview and wow did I suck, I could not even recall the functions of my most recent job and I could not pull up my resume quick enough - why must I suck so badly. Why do interviewers make me so fricking nervous.I wish I could make a living at being a hermit.
August 24, 2004 by godsjewl
I live in a small town about 24,000 people; lived here almost my whole life and I know just like everyone else that whenever there is a new store or restaurant to open the first week is always hectic. I remember when they opened a Taco Bell the line of traffic wrapped around the main street and down the corner of the next block. It was as if no one in town had ever had the opportunity to partake of their crappy tacos. Today for lunch I decided to try the new Quizno’s, it had been open for ...
August 24, 2004 by godsjewl
August 24, 2004 by godsjewl
Today is my second interview for the job I really want the only bad thing is that they want to pay me about $400 less than what I want, my dad the eternal businessman says I should ask for $800 more so I can negotiate the deal....Any suggestions?