In the new GQ, the Democratic presidential nominee offers relationship advice for men: On what to seek in a woman: "Look for what gets your heart. Someone who excites you, turns you on. ... It's a woman who loves being a woman. Who wears her womanhood. Who knows how to flirt and have fun. Smart. Confident. ... And obviously sexy and saucy and challenging." The WASH POST is set to preview GQ's: "A Beer With John Kerry." Which hot actresses float his boat: "I think Charlize The...
I don't know how he got the number but radio talk show host Glenn Beck has retrieved and distributed John Kerry's voicemail....according to the Glenn Beck website: August 4, 2004 As heard on the show Tuesday, we have John Kerry's voicemail number and we're posting it online. So if there is anything you ever wanted to tell John Kerry, now you can. With no further delay, here you go. John Kerry's Voicemail: 818-759-7666
Festival celebrates hemp, also stirs political pot By: Tan Vinh, Seattle Times Amid the bong sales, the drug-reform speeches and a certain aroma that permeated the annual pro-marijuana festival yesterday, Hempfest was also a venue for another cause: getting John Kerry to the White House. Regulars who attend the two-day festival to hear the usual cry of "legalize marijuana" also found organizers campaigning to get pot users to vote for Kerry. About 100 Democratic activists passed out ...
Can you believe this! I was listening to my morning dose of talk radio when I heard. Here is the article: Democrat Koch supporting Bush - The Associated Press NEW YORK - Calling himself a "liberal with sanity," former New York Mayor Ed Koch -- a lifelong Democrat -- said he decided to support President Bush in the 2004 election because of Bush's stance on Iraq. "While I don't agree with Bush on any domestic matters, there's only one matter that's important in this race, a...