godsjewl's Articles In Pure Technology
August 19, 2004 by godsjewl
I found this website about a month ago, I'm a litte suprised it is still up - this guy searches for photos on the shared folders of Peer to Peer networks and posts them on his website: "DISCLAIMER - these photos were found by doing a search using p2p (peer to peer) file sharing programs (like kazaa, limewire, bearshare, soulseek and others) people share their own personal digital photos in their shared folders, i'm thinking they put them there for friends or family to download or just se...
August 19, 2004 by godsjewl
Broadcast Music on Yahoo Messanger without a Microphone Link
August 18, 2004 by godsjewl
02:00 AM Jul. 19, 2004 PT While legislators in Washington work to outlaw peer-to-peer networks, one website is turning the peer-to-peer technology back on Washington to expose its inner, secretive workings. But outragedmoderates.org isn't offering copyright music and videos for download. The site, launched two weeks ago, has aggregated more than 600 government and court documents to make them available for download through the Kazaa, LimeWire and Soulseek P2P networks in the interest o...